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This article is an attempt to look at the concept of ‘good preparation’ for conducting research (especially qualitative research, but not only) and to answer the question: what does ‘good preparation’ for research mean? The inspiration to take up this issue was the author’s belief that too little is written and said about the challenges that may arise during the design and implementation of research. In this paper, the author uses her own research experience, which she gained while working on her doctoral dissertation. She describes the different stages of her work, particularly emphasizing the challenges and difficulties she had to face. The content of the article shows how her approach to ‘good preparation’ for conducting research has changed. Ultimately, the author indicates that one of the possible, perhaps most useful answers to the question from her perspective is that ‘good preparation’ for research means learning the art of practicing patience, being open to changing assumptions and accepting the possible need to look for other solutions. The author would like this article to be understood as an invitation to exchange experiences.

Słowa kluczowe

‘good preparation’ for research research experience research challenges research difficulties exchange of research experiences .

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Walentynowicz-Moryl, K. (2024). Preparation is all? Thoughts from a researcher’s experience. Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów, (25), 31–47. https://doi.org/10.61824/dma.vi25.737


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