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The direct inspiration for writing the text is the monograph Remaking Communities and Adult Learning, Social and Community-based Learning, New Forms of Knowledge and Action for Change, prepared under the scientific editorship of Rob Evans, Ewa Kurantowicz & Emilio LucioVillegas and published in 2022. The author, however, does not prepare a typical review of this book, but on its basis builds her own utterance on – in her opinion – issues currently important in the discussion on adult education and learning, such as: a return to the idea of learning community, democratic education, critical competences, socially engaged researcher. All these matters are connected by the fundamental concern for the world and the relations prevailing in it and according to the author they constitute the conceptual meaning of this very important monograph.
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Utwór dostępny jest na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0 Międzynarodowe.
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